Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fourth Interview Questions

  1. What is the best way for the US Navy to fight the war on terrorism?
  2. Should the Navy increase or decrease its involvement in the war on terrorism, why or why not?
  3. With recent threatening actions by North Korea, how should the Navy best direct its efforts to combat terrorism in the Middle East and now in North Korea if needed?
  4. What evolution will the Navy undergo once the terrorist threat in the Middle East is neutralized?
  5. To the best of your knowledge, how well do you believe the Navy is prepared for an attack on our land?
  6. Is it most effective to fight terrorism with Naval air, ground, or sea power and why?
  7. In the instance of the raid on Osama bin Laden, how long did it take to plan out the operation, and what training did everyone who participate go through?
  8. How is the US Navy's budget being funded to fight the war on terrorism?
  9. How has the Navy's war on terrorism changed since the elimination of Saddam Hussein?
  10. Since Osama bin Laden's takedown by Navy SEAL's, how has the US Navy changed the way SEAL Team 6 works covertly? 
  11. What new technology has the Navy adopted to combat the war on terror?
  12. Would increasing the amount of Special Forces Members in the Navy help in the fight against counter-terrorism or do you believe there is another force we should use?
  13. As far as naval battle is concerned, how can we strengthen our forces to ensure naval superiority?  
  14. As far as air superiority is concerned, how can we strengthen our forces to ensure air superiority?
  15. There has been a recent move in the JSF to further cut down on the use of multiple aircraft to increase the Navy's budget. Is it wise to have one overall multi-purpose aircraft instead of many specialized aircraft?
  16. Navy BMT trains Sailors mainly in seamanship, and doesn't focus much on aviation or combat, should this change?
  17. Have you ever been deployed?
  18. What have you learned in your deployment?
  19. When on deployment, have you ever had to do anything that you could consider to be fighting terrorism?
  20. How should the US Navy had reacted to 9-11 in your opinion?

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